team visits United Kingdom team visits United Kingdom! 23-25 November 2015 we had a chance to discover absolutely outstanding LIFE+ environment project called ACUMEN (LIFE11 ENV/UK/000402). The goal of the ACUMEN project was to demonstrate approaches to reducing methane emissions from closed landfills. At Strumpshaw, Norfolk County we were shown sensational Stirling engines and biofilters. Than we visited one of Norfolk County's material recovery facility and met County's landfill and MRF managers.
The finale of the visit was to sign the declaration of cooperation between Investeko SA and The Environment Agency in providing mutual support in the implementation of our environment projects. ACUMEN is a partnership project between the Environment Agency, Norfolk County Council, Ground-Gas Solutions, Biogas Technology Ltd, the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, the UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs and Warsaw University of Technology. We invite you to visit ACUMEN website:…/acumen-assessing-capturing-and-utilisi…
Photos you can find in gallery.